Organizing CommiteeLaurent VIAL, Researcher, Applied Supramolecular Chemistry, Lyon, France
During his PhD and Marie Curie fellowship, Laurent Vial had the chance to work under the guidance of two awesome supervisors: Prof. Jérôme Lacour (University of Geneva, Switzerland) and Prof. Jeremy K. M. Sanders (University of Cambridge, UK), respectively. Laurent is currently a CNRS research scientist in the Applied Supramolecular Chemistry group (University of Lyon, France), working on artificial receptors for biologically relevant molecules with applications as biosensors and therapeutics. He has been President of the French Chemical Society’s Supramolecular Chemistry Group since 2020 Jean-Pierre DUTASTA, CNRS Emeritus Research Director, Lyon, France
Jean-Pierre Dutasta gained his Doctorat d’État ès Sciences Physiques from the University of Grenoble, France, in 1980 for studies on synthesis, conformational analysis and NMR investigations of organo-phosphorus compounds with Prof. J.-B. Robert. He joined the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in 1979 and did a post-doctoral work in 1980-1982 at the University of California at Los Angeles under the supervision of Prof. D.J. Cram. He obtained the habilitation to direct research (HDR, University of Grenoble) in 1986, and joined the Laboratory of Chemistry of the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon in 1988 with Prof. A. Collet, where he was appointed Research Director. His research activities are mainly stereochemistry, NMR and supramolecular chemistry of cryptophanes, hemicryptophanes and phosphonate cavitands. He headed the Supramolecular Chemistry group until 2014, and is now CNRS Emeritus Research Director.
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