Journées de la Chimie Supramoléculaire


Julien LECLAIRE, Group Leader, Applied Supramolecular Chemistry, Lyon, France


Julien Leclaire was educated at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon. After a PhD on dendrimer chemistry at the University of Toulouse, he joined the group of J. K. M. Sanders in Cambridge where he worked on disulfide-based dynamic covalent chemistry. He started his academic career as an assistant then associate Professor at Aix-Marseille Université, studying non-covalent interactions within Lipases. In 2013, he was appointed Full Professor. He leads the Applied Supramolecular Chemistry group at the University of Lyon. In 2020, he was awarded the Jean-Marie Lehn Prize for his work on molecular recognition within complex mixtures by the French Chemical Society. In 2021, he funded MeCaWaRe corporation which recycles strategic metals from end-of-use batteries using CO2-based supramolecular chemistry.
Jean-Pierre MAJORALEmeritus Director of Research, CNRS, Toulouse, France
Jean-Pierre MAJORALJean-Pierre Majoral is Emeritus Director of Research, Exceptional Class, at the CNRS in Toulouse. His research interests are focused on the design and properties of macromolecules such as phosphorus dendrimers and hyperbranched polymers. Main efforts are directed at the use of dendrimers in medicinal chemistry, materials science and catalysis. He is co-founder and scientific director of the start-up Dendris. He is a member of several Academies of Sciences worldwide, has got a dozen of international awards, and is an author of over 635 publications, 7 books, 35 book chapters, and 45 patents (h index 65, over 15 600 citations).
Emilie MOULIN, Research Director, Institut Charles Sadron, Strasbourg, France

Emilie Moulin has been a CNRS research director at the Institut Charles Sadron - Strasbourg since 2020. After receiving a PhD in organic chemistry in 2006 from Université Louis Pasteur - Strasbourg (laboratory of Prof. N. Winssinger), she performed a post-doctoral research training in the field of total synthesis at the Max-Planck Institute für Kohlenforschung (laboratory of Prof. A. Fürstner). In 2008, she was appointed as a Chargée de Recherche CNRS at the Institut Charles Sadron (Strasbourg) working in collaboration with Prof. Nicolas Giuseppone and defended her “Habilitation à diriger les recherches” in 2014. She was awarded two PhD prizes and two post-doctoral fellowships including a prestigious Alexander von Humboldt one. In 2015, she was awarded the prize « Les Espoirs de l’Université de Strasbourg » for her work in the field of supramolecular polymers and molecular machines. Her research interests currently focus on combining polymers, supramolecular and organic chemistry to develop new functional materials. 



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